Wednesday, March 30, 2011

wow what a commute

As I was driving home last night on my bicycle I wondered to myself if I was going to have anything to blog about, the commute was turning into 24 miles a day of enjoyable bike riding, but how many times could I type that as a blog entry. and then...

My handlebars slipped!it must've happened slowly because I didn't really notice but all of a sudden they were upside down and I found myself wondering how I had missed it.

So I pulled over and use my bicycle toolkit to realign my handlebars; I've been thinking I wanted them a little higher anyway.

I got started again and that's when I noticed my first loaf of bread.on the shoulder of the road was a round 13 inch loaf, it looked too big to be commercial and to uniform to be homemade. but after 14 miles that day it looked delicious. I resisted the temptation. This all would've been not worth mentioning except I saw another one and another every few hundred feet for about 5 miles. I thought to myself "did they think breadcrumbs were too small to find?"

about a mile after the trail of bread loaves stopped I saw the road was blocked by police cars and filled with fire engines. must've got there at the right time as they allowed me to walk the bike up the sidewalk for the mile that was closed off. guess it's fortunate to that I couldn't tell which house they were all there for.

Finally I came up to the top of Mt.Avenue I saw a shooting star.

Monday, March 14, 2011

commuting again! Its interesting that when I started this 39 degrees seemed so cold. Now after so many days in 18 degrees it actually seems warm. I was ridding home today with my jacket opened.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Whoa! its been how long?!

Okay so here comes the list of excuses. After I brought my bike in the house to attempt to clean the inside (bad idea by the way) I brought it in to get regular service and found out that I deviated a new cassette, new crank, you chain, and had a broken axle...... so I got the axle fixed. the rest I'm afraid far exceeded the value of the bike. But finding all this out took a whole week.

so then I decided to order new bike. I got the rally detour 2.0. it's cool it's got flashed headlights taillights and the servomotor that keeps them going whenever I start pedaling. of course spent 700 bucks on a bike and another hundred on the bags. So the whole idea of saving money by bicycling instead of driving is going to take a little longer to realize.

And while I've been gone I started my tomato seeds and pepper seeds. and I should start at 11 plant hydroponic garden you see all over the Internet. so stay tuned for gardening spinoff blog.