Wednesday, December 29, 2010

they put snow infront of the bike rack

So when I arrived at work today I learned that when it snows 3' in NJ no one expects you to ride your bike to work. They actually piled the snow in front of the bike rack.

Not that I blame them, Monday was the 1st time I know of in NJ where it was too deep to walk to work. Not that it stopped me from trying, I tried driving, biking and finally walking in all three attempts I didn't make it out of the parking lot.

I did get to try the new route avoiding rt 10 on my way home today. It was a very relaxing ride compared to the highway. Even though my luggage rack came undone twice and the hill on Mountain way is steeper than rt 10 it was so peaceful compared to highway ridding. I did observe however that after an hour even if your water bottle doesn't freeze the tip may

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